Information Every New Miniature Dollhouse Collector Should Know

Information Every New Miniature Dollhouse Collector Should Know

Despite the young connotation associated with its name, a dollhouse is not just for children. There are many dollhouse collectors around the globe and while they all have different styles and tastes, they all agree on one thing: dollhouses are not toys. They are a collector’s item and are not always meant to be played with by children. Men and women of all ages can get involved in this fun and rewarding hobby.

New dollhouse collectors must choose whether they would rather purchase a pre-assembled dollhouse or a kit that will allow them to do the assembly themselves. Both methods are very popular and are based primarily on used preference. Kits are often less expensive, but collectors run the risk of a lower quality construction on their houses. On the other hand, some collectors enjoy the building process and regard it as an important part of the hobby.

After choosing which avenue they would like to pursue, a collector has to select which style of house he or she would like. The most popular styles include Victorian, Tudor, Georgian, Contemporary and Southwestern. Each style is representative of an era or style of architecture in real houses. There are many accessories available to compliment and enhance each style of miniature doll house.

One mistake that new collectors often make is being fooled by the words “vintage” and “antique.” Many online sellers will list their products and accessories as being “vintage.” This usually refers to the style and appearance of the product, rather than its actual age. Don’t be confused into thinking that the miniature book or the tiny record player was CREATED during a certain era rather than REPRESENTATIVE of that era.

Upon purchasing or building a miniature doll house, collectors then turn to furnishing and accessorizing their new houses. There are hundreds of places to find these items, both online and in stores. Typically, a collector will continue the theme of the home with the accessories to create an authentic look. Some miniaturists prefer to put dolls in their houses and some do not. Dolls and accessories are often available wherever dollhouses are sold.

When it comes to furnishing the house, there are many options, depending on the house. Some doll houses are nearly empty when purchased and a collector much do everything from carpet, to window treatments to furniture. Other houses come more complete and the collector must only look for furniture and other accessories. Once again, this is something that is bases solely on a collector’s preference.

As a new collector, if you are ever confused about the hobby or need somewhere to turn for advice, there are plenty of options. There are clubs and groups in all areas of the world dedicated to buying and selling miniature dollhouses and their accessories, as well as help people get involved. In addition, there has been recent growth in the number of online dollhouse collectors’ communities. People use blogs and chat rooms to seek and share information, let each other know about sales and deals and buy and share their products. Another place to gain insight is via magazines. There are many collectors’ magazines for miniature enthusiasts.

Clearly, there are many, many options available in the world of miniature dollhouses. The wide selection allows nearly every type of person to enjoy collecting miniatures. The recent surge in popularity is likely due to both increased options and availability, and online presence.