Computer Built Home Energy Saver Programs

In these days of computer and internet, every work can be performed resorting to information technology. One such program is the home energy saver that has been built on the computer program DOE-2. Basically the device is meant for analyzing and designing energy analysis for heating and cooling of buildings.

What It Does

Home energy saver performs the following tasks.

• Thermal load simulation accounting for each of the cooling as well as heating equipments at home.

• Calculates thermal distribution, thermostat management, and infiltration.

• Maps the zip codes entered by the user and match it with over 300 weather tapes that are unique in nature.

• Impose the cooling and heating condition ideal for the home for one long year.

Extension of DOE-2 Model

In essence, home energy saves is an extension of DOE-2 in various ways. The basic objective is improvement of the simulation model. Users can enhance the predictive power of the device by entering the actual electrical tariff being paid by them on a monthly basis. In addition; the use of energy by water heating and lighting appliances, fans, and others are also taken into consideration. Once the tasks are accomplished the device documents them in a comprehensive manner.

Recommendations for Quantifying Benefits of Energy Efficiency

One of the greatest advantages of the device is that it enables the users to quantify benefits of improvements made in the field of energy efficiency and enhancement of comfort levels of the home users. Some of the recommendations for energy efficiency and making the environment green are as follows.

No Cost Changes Where No Cost is Involved

• Changing the manner of use of energies.

• Lowering the temperature of water heaters.

• Unplugging the devices that are not really in essential use.

• Programming the thermostats a little lower.

Low Cost Changes Where Little Cost is Involved

• Using incandescent light bulbs instead of compact fluorescent lamps.

• Using LED bulbs.

• Wrapping water heater in an insulating blanket.

• These changes can be effected without expert support.

Expensive Upgrades where Substantial Expenses are Involved

Some of the steps taken for energy efficiency and creating green house environment are upgrading the energy levels. Such upgrading may involve change of inefficient and older appliances using newer energy star appliances or replacement of total systems in any case.

Even without much expenses, the home can be turned eco-friendly.